THANK YOU for investing in this younger generation by giving of your time and energy. It is gift with eternal impact!

  • Willing to be assigned anywhere

  • Pray with other team members during the months preceding the event, pray during event services

  • Distribute promotional materials such as flyers, postcards, etc., assist with other marketing areas as needed

  • Help load in conference materials morning of June 4, set up necessary items inside the venue, assist decor team

  • Help with registration and check-in

  • Iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi.

  • Pray with those responding to altar calls, pray with others as requested by leadership

  • Remove and load conference items from venue, make sure venue is orderly

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software